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Fireplaces / Cast iron fireboxes Caminetti / Focolari in ghisa Puissance nominale Autopilot™ IHS SmartControl™ feb. 2020 Classe énergétique
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FIREPLACES / CAST IRON FIREBOXES CAMINETTI/ FOCOLARI IN GHISA 4 GROUPE / GRUPPO SEGUIN A FRENCH MANUFACTURER / PRODUTTORE FRANCESE Groupe SEGUIN is now one of the leading companies in the market for wood-fired heating appliances, a family adventure which has been ongoing for the last forty years. Over 150 people work at its headquarters in the Auvergne (Randan, France) and its three manufacturing workshops: JC BORDELET (Montpellier, France), AXIS steel fireboxes (Belley, France) and HWAM (Denmark). It also has a network of installers/dealers present in all segments of the market providing...
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FIREPLACES/ CAST IRON FIREBOXES CAMINETTI/ FOCOLARI IN GHISA 6 WHY CHOOSE / PERCHÉ SCEGLIERE Made in France fireboxes, we have developed collaborative relationships with regional companies to guarantee you that your firebox is made entirely in France. This also enables us to monitor our production processes and guarantee the traceability of our products. Final assembly and finishing operations, our core activities, are carried out in our workshops. Reliability, the control systems are assembled with safety nuts, which avoids risks of stiffening and loosening. The lifting doors are fitted...
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FIREPLACES/ CAST IRON FIREBOXES CAMINETTI/ FOCOLARI IN GHISA 8 DESIGN FIREPLACES / CAMINETTI FIREPLACES/ CAST IRON FIREBOXES CAMINETTI! FOCOLARI IN GHISA 9 Dissymetric front-view fireplace.Polished concrete frame with metallic decoration «rusty steel».Model presented with EUROPA 7 EVOLUTION «BLACK LINE» firebox.Concrete is a rough material, which appearance could suffers significant shades. The metal oxidization is individually hand-crafted, some aspect variations could appear. After treatment the oxidization is stabilised. Rivestimento a parete asimmetrico inserito in struttura in...
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MIDLAND Formwork surround fireplace. Softened concrete, polished and aged oak. Model shown with the VISIO 8 firebox. The oak slats are assembled on a metal frame when supplied. Formwork surround not included. Rivestimento a parete inserito in struttura in muratura. Cemento alleggerito e levigato, e quercia invecchiata. Modello presentato con focolare VISIO 8. Le assi di quercia vengono fornite assemblate sulla cornice metallica. Struttura in muratura non inclusa. FIREPLACES / CAST IRON FIREBOXES FIREPLACES / CAST IRON FIREBOXES CAMINETTI/ FOCOLARI IN GHISA 10 CAMINETTI/ FOCOLARI IN GHISA 11...
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ORFEO Formwork surround fireplace. Exotic grey marble and Kilkenny stone. Metal interior log box Model shown with the VISIO 8 firebox. Rivestimento a parete inserito in struttura in muratura. Marmo grigio esotico e pietra kilkenny. Interno vano portalegna in metallo Modello presentato con focolare VISIO 8. FIREPLACES / CAST IRON FIREBOXES FIREPLACES / CAST IRON FIREBOXES CAMINETTI/ FOCOLARI IN GHISA 12 CAMINETTI/ FOCOLARI IN GHISA 13 ANGARA Formwork surround corner fireplace. Fjord marble. CM3 corner metal frame. Optional metal niches. Model shown with the EUROPA 7 EVOLUTION CORNER firebox...
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Front-facing formwork surround fireplace Single block black frame Model shown with the EUROPA 7 EVOLUTION BLACK LINE firebox. Front-facing fireplace with base. Softened and polished concrete. Model shown with the EUROPA 7 EVOLUTION “BLACK LINE” 3 sided firebox. Concrete is a raw material (some aspect variations could appear). Rivestimento a parete inserito in struttura in muratura Cornice del monoblocco nera Modello presentato con focolare EUROPA 7 EVOLUTION BLACK LINE. ELKO Rivestimento a parete su basamento. Cemento alleggerito e levigato. Modello presentato con focolare EUROPA 7...
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CALISTO Front-facing formwork surround fireplace Single block black frame Model shown with the VISIO 8 BLACK LINE firebox. Rivestimento a parete inserito in struttura in muratura Cornice del monoblocco nera Modello presentato con focolare VISIO 8 BLACK LINE. FIREPLACES / CAST IRON FIREBOXES FIREPLACES / CAST IRON FIREBOXES CAMINETTI/ FOCOLARI IN GHISA 16 CAMINETTI/ FOCOLARI IN GHISA 17 MATYRA Front-facing fireplace. Off-white wax-effect. Model shown with the EUROPA 7 EVOLUTION BLACK LINE 3 sided firebox. Rivestimento a parete. Tirato a cera bianco sporco. Modello presentato con focolare...
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FIREPLACES/ CAST IRON FIREBOXES CAMINETTI/ FOCOLARI IN GHISA 18 Front-facing fireplace with base stand in smooth Estaillade stone. Hearth and Black Ebony wax-effect bench base stand. Model shown with VISIO 8 firebox. Rivestimento a parete su basamento in pietra “Estaiiiade’’ li scia. Piano fuoco e panca tirata a cera nero ebano. Modello presentato con focolare VISIO 8. Fireplace with formwork surround (not supplied). Wengé marble tiles Monoblock metal frame width 3 cm, black paint finish. Model shown with the VISIO 8 firebox. ERAKIS Rivestimento a parete inserito in struttura in muratura...
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ALPHA Corner fireplace in Gard stone. Rough stone masonry to be set in place. Briquettes from Cévennes. Solid oak beam. Model shown with the EUROPA 7 EVOLUTION firebox. (Optional brass trim on the door). Rivestimento ad angolo in pietra del Gard. Blocchi in pietra del basamento da fissare in loco. Mattoncini Cévennes. Trave in quercia massiccia. Modello presentato con focolare EUROPA 7 EVOLUTION. (Bordino ottonato sulla porta opzionale). FIREPLACES / CAST IRON FIREBOXES FIREPLACES / CAST IRON FIREBOXES CAMINETTI/ FOCOLARI IN GHISA 20 CAMINETTI/ FOCOLARI IN GHISA 21 AUTHENTIC / AUTENTICI FIR...
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DOMAINE Front-facing fireplace in profiled Estaillade stone. Model shown with the SUPER 8 firebox. Rivestimento a parete in pietra Estaillade sagomata. Modello presentato con focolare SUPER 8. Corner fireplace in Gard stone Rough stone masonry to be set in place Briquettes from Cévennes. Solid oak beam. Rivestimento ad angolo sporgente in pietra del Gard. Blocchi in pietra del basamento da fissare in loco. Mattoncini Cévennes. Trave in quercia massiccia. FIREPLACES/ CAST IRON FIREBOXES CAMINETTI/ FOCOLARI IN GHISA 22 FIREPLACES/ CAST IRON FIREBOXES CAMINETTI/ FOCOLARI IN GHISA 23...
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 12Tutti i cataloghi e le schede tecniche SEGUIN
8 Pagine
Stufe a Legna
25 Pagine