Estratti del catalogo

1923 This year, we celebrate thè 100+1 years of design of our company. The number ‘100’ represents our heritage, spanning a century of history that has shaped our art. ‘ + 1’ symbolizes our ongoing commitment to an innovative future, melding tradition with creative momentum in furniture design and production. Quest’anno celebriamo i 100+1 anni di design della nostra azienda. Il numero “100” rappresenta il nostro patrimonio, un secolo di storia che ha plasmato la nostra arte. “+1” simboleggia il nostro costante impegno verso un futuro innovativo, unendo la tradizione allo slancio creativo...
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Industrial knowledge Building upon our heritage Artisan culture Design devoted By the designer’s side Project driven Projects within the project
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industriai knowledgeBuilding upon our heritage The window - La vetrina, 1958 Designed bv architects Magnaghi and Terzaghi, alongside thè Milano-Varese highway this Steel and glass structure showcased thè latest products of Rossi di Albizzate. Progettata dagli architetti Magnaghi e Terzaghi, lungo l'autostrada Milano-Varese, questa struttura In acciaio e vetro esponeva gli ultimi prodotti di Rossi di Albizzate. Evolve, innovate, maintain quality, honoring our heritage. in a single word: continuity. Over more than a century. we have embarked on a journey of continuous innovation and...
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Taking Shape Olka, Jarryd Renton and Maria Dawson, 2020 Artisan culture Quality Qualità Materials Materiali Our reputation is built on thè excellence of our products and thè impeccable Service we provide. Decades of refined craftsmanship, exclusive finishes, and thè selection of thè finest materials are evident in our Constant pursuit of thè highest quality, infusing our furnishings with elegance and durability. La nostra reputazione si fonda suireccellenza dei nostri prodotti e sul servizio impeccabile che offriamo. I nostri prodotti sono frutto di maestria artigianale affinata in decenni...
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designer’s side Designers have been thè cornerstone of our success, as they have interpreted social developments and designed revolutionary products that responded, and continue to respond, to thè needs of customers. Since inception, we have understood thè importance of thè designerà role, always seeking thè most qualified and talented ones to ensure innovation and quality in our products. This synergy between entrepreneurial Vision and creativity has led to decades-long partnerships that gave birth to some of thè most iconic pieces in thè history of Italian design. I designer sono stati il...
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Project driven Projects within thè project A series of drawings, known as ‘Spaccati', showing technical solutions. Una serie di disegni, detti “Spaccati", capaci di mostrare le soluzioni tecniche e gli aspetti costruttivi. Every phase of work, from conception to realization, is focused on achieving thè project’s objectives. We don’t just create products for aesthetic purposes; we strive to meet needs and solve problems. This approach motivates us to innovate and challenge conventions, ensuring that every product we create is authentic, functional, and meaningful. Siamo guidati dal progetto....
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2024 Collection sofà divani 15 BLOW 35 JOINT 55 BORROMEO 77 GINSBERG 97 TUBE SOFÀ ARMCHàIRS POLTRONE 24 OLIMPIA 42 CORSO 49 OTIUM 96 TUBE ARMCHAIR 100 SUPERSASSI GINGER 106 DONDOLO DIN DON 108 CINZIA 110 SPORTING chàise longue 104 KANJI tàbles tavoli desk scrittoio lady desk cabinets mobili 75 DIODORO MADIA 93 CAPRI CABINET 93 CAPRI MADIA mirror specchio beds letti bedside tàbles comodini
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BIow Design; Pio & Tito Toso First and foremost, BIow embodies a unique sensory experience, defining a family of seats and backs characterized by large radii and soft shapes that reflect naturalness. As thè name of thè collection suggests, thè volumes seem to be blown, inflated, resulting in exceptionally comfortable seating. BIow incarna innanzitutto un'esperienza sensoriale unica, definendo una famiglia di sedute e schienali caratterizzati da ampi raggi e forme morbide, che rispecchiano la naturalezza. Come suggerisce il nome stesso della collezione, i volumi sembrano soffiati, gonfiati,...
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16 Rossì di Albizzate Sofà - Divano Fred Trolly Pola Low Tables - Tavolini Low Table - Tavolino Armachair - Poltrona 2024 Collection 17
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blow sofà BIow ìs a oolleotion eharaeterized by organic and fluid forms, featuring sinuous surfaces that repeat, creating modular arrangements of comfort and ethereal beauty. With its four modules, Blow offers thè flexibility to be combined and configured according to thè available space. BIow è una collezione dalle forme organiche e fluide, superfici sinuose che si ripetono, creando giochi modulari di comodità ed eterea bellezza. Grazie ai quattro moduli, Blow può essere combinato e configurato a piacimento a seconda dello spazio in cui sarà inserito. Armchair - Poltrona Low Table - Tavolino
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Bobo Low Table - Tavolino Blow Sofà - Divano Rondò Low Tables - Tavolini Diodoro Twist Olimpia Low Sideboard - Madia Bassa Armaohair - Poltrona
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Tudor Design: Maurizio Manzoni Trolly Small table - Tavolino Fred Small table - Tavolino Tudor embodies sweetness in an armchair, authentically pop. Its continuous volume is interrupted by the embrace of the cylindrical cushion. Tudor rappresenta la dolcezza in poltrona, autenticamente pop. Un volume continuo interrotto dall’abbraccio del cuscino cilindrico.
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Olimpia Design; Maurizio Manzoni The concept of thè Olimpia armchair is sophisticated and innovative, reminiscent of models from thè 1930s and 1950s. It features pleasingly detailed design, from thè snappy wooden legs to thè straps. Il concepì della poltrona Olimpia è ricercato e innovativo, si rifa a modelli anni trenta e cinquanta. Design piacevolmente dettagliato dalle gambe scattanti in legno alle cinghie. Diodoro Twist Low Sideboard - Madia Bassa Armachair - Poltrona
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 14Tutti i cataloghi e le schede tecniche Rossi di Albizzate
17 Pagine
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Lobby System
51 Pagine
Bogo System
63 Pagine
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Shoku System
19 Pagine
9 Pagine
La Source System
33 Pagine
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Ergon System
34 Pagine
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