Why System - Catalogo Generale


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Why System - Catalogo Generale - 3

Cielo Sky Ciel Himmelblau Celeste Aviazione Aviation blue Bleu aviation Marine Azul aviacin Blu mare Dark blue Bleu mer Meerblau Azul mar > Cromatismi in blu Blu elettrico Electric blue Bleu lectrique Signalblau Azul fuerte > Blu Blue Bleu Blau Azul > - Equipped horizontal panelling- Hook-on accessories that may be freely positioned- Textile beds with metal structure - Bed covering textiles - Swivel armchair with multiply body - "folding" tops in coloured laminates, woods- Wardrobe with sliding doors, aluminium frame, door inside, coloured methacrylate, coloured lacquering, shiny fabric-...

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Why System - Catalogo Generale - 4

Cielo Sky Ciel Himmelblau Celeste > Aviazione Aviation blue Bleu aviation Marine Azul aviacin Blu mare Dark blue Bleu mer Meerblau Azul mar > Cromatismi in blu Blu elettrico Electric blue Bleu lectrique Signalblau Azul fuerte > Blu Blue Bleu Blau Azul > RovereOakRouvreEicheRoble AlluminioAluminium Aluminium AluminiumAluminio Blu Blue Bleu Blau Azul >

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Why System - Catalogo Generale - 6

Giallo paglia Straw yellow Jaune paille Strohgelb Amarillo paja > Frumento Wheat Froment Weizen Trigo > Verde Green Vert Grn Verde > Turchese Turquoise Turquoise Trkis Azul turquesa > Verde Eden Eden green Vert Eden Paradiesgr켼n Verde Edn Mela Apple Pomme Apfel Manzana Muschio Musk Mousse Moos Musgo > - Pannallature verticali con montanti a cremagliera attrezzate- Accessori e funzioni in aggancio e libero posizionamento- Letti in laminato essenza e colore bordati alluminio- Poltroncina girevole scocca in polipropilene- Piani sagomati laccato colore - Armadio con ante battenti telaio...

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Why System - Catalogo Generale - 7

The functions and the wall are the design themesaddressed with originality in the following chapter. Thefundamental functions of the children's area are brought together on a single wall: containment, study and play, repose. Les " fonctions " et la " paroi " sont les thmes deprojet affronts avec originalit詩 dans le chapitresuivant. Sur une seule paroi sont assembles les fonctions fondamentales de la chambre des enfants :le rangement, l'tude et le jeu, le repos.Das folgende Kapitel setzt sich auf originelle Art mit den Projektthemen Funktionen und Wandauseinander. Die Grundfunktionen...

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Why System - Catalogo Generale - 8

Ң֠ Coherent composition of elements in a bridge structure withsliding doors. > ■ Composition cohrente d'l驩ments dans le cadred'une structure pont avec portes coulissantes. > ࢖ Koh$renteZusammenstellung der Elemente im Rahmen einer berbaustrukturmit Schiebetܼren > ■ Composicin coherente de elementos en el mbitode una estructura de puente con hojas correderas Ausf㡼hrungen: Melamin Eiche N03, lackiert blitzblauL06,himmelblau L16, Methacrylat blau M04 /Acabados: melaminaroble N03, lacado azul fuerte L06, cielo L16, metacrilato azul M04 403x63/205x260h. - Finiture: melaminico rovere N03, laccato...

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Why System - Catalogo Generale - 11

袖 The space assigned to containment is set high up, freeing thewalls for other purposes. > "֠ L'espace destin au rangement estsitu en haut, lib驩rant ainsi la paroi pour d'autres fonctions. > ■ DerStauraum wird im oberen Bereich angeordnet, um die Wand frandere Funktionen frei zu machen. > 좖 El espacio destinado a lacontenci3n se halla arriba liberando la pared para otras funciones. Ausfhrungen: Melamin wei N01, gl쟤nzender Stoff orange TL02,getztes Glas M05 / Acabados: melamina blanca N01, tejido brillantes anaranjado TL02, vidrio acidado M05 403x63/205x260h. - Finiture: melaminico bianco...

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Why System - Catalogo Generale - 12

■ A super-equipped wall with elements for repose, study andcontainment. > ■ Une paroi hyper-quipe avec des 驩lments pourle repos, l'tude, le rangement. > 驢֠ Eine Wand mit Extra-Ausstattungmit Elementen fr das Schlafen, das Lernen und mit Staurumen. > 줢֠ Una pared super equipada con elementos para el descanso, elestudio, el contener Ausfhrungen: Melamin wei N01, lackiert flechtengr쟼n L15,Methacrylat gelb M03 / Acabados: melamina blanca N01, lacado liquen L15, metacrilato amarillo M03 353x63/135x260h. - Finiture: melaminico bianco N01, laccatolichene L15, metacrilato giallo M03 / Finish:...

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Why System - Catalogo Generale - 15

Ң֠ Solutions designed for the home office configured in specialistwork stations. > ■ Solutions tudies pour le bureau home office,configur驩es dans des postes spcialiss. > 驢֠ Fr das Home Officeentworfene Lsungen, die in Form von spezifischen Arbeitspl춤tzenzusammengestellt werden. > ■ Soluciones estudiadas para el "homeoffice" configuradas en puestos especficos. Ausfhrungen: Melamin Eiche N03, glnzender Stoff apfelgrnTL03, Melamin paradiesgrn L12 / Acabados: melamina roble N03,tejido brillante verde manzana TL03, melamina verde eden L12 403x130x262h. - Finiture: melaminico rovere N03, tessuto...

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Why System - Catalogo Generale - 17

Ң֠ To optimise the space of a bed on castors, available immediatelyas required. > ■ Optimiser l'espace d'un lit sur roulettes imm-diatement disponible si ncessaire. > 驢֠ Optimale Raumnutzung frdas bei Bedarf sofort verfgbare Bett auf Rollen. > 켢֠ Optimizar elespacio de una cama sobre ruedas inmediatamente disponible encaso de necesidad. Ausfhrungen: Melamin ecru N06, Melamin Kirschbaum N04 /Acabados: melamina crudo N06, melamina cerezo N04 478x130x260h. - Finiture: melaminico ecr N06, melaminicociliegio N04 / Finish: melamine ecru N06, melamine cherry N04 / Finitions : m칩lamin cru N06,...

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Why System - Catalogo Generale - 19

■ A bridge structure created with hinged doors and equippedunder-the-bridge panels. > ■ UUne structure pont ralis੩e avecportes battantes et panneaux sous le pont quips. > 驢֠ Eineberbaustruktur mit Drehtܼren und ausgestattetenWandverkleidungen unterhalb des berbaus. > ܢ֠ Una estructura depuente realizada con hojas batientes y series de paneles debajopuente equipados.Ausfhrungen: Melamin cremefarben N07, Melamin paradiesgrnN08, Melamin Buche N02 / Acabados: melamina crema N07,melamina verde eden N08, melanima haya N02 300x63x260h. - Finiture: melaminico crema N07, melaminicoverde eden N08,...

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Why System - Catalogo Generale - 20

n altro interessante tema progettuale consistenellarredare utilizzando elementi liberi, ғcomplementi-oggetto facilmente collocabili in ogni ambiente. Unmodo meno definitivo - e reinterpretabile - di arredare lo spazio giovane. Another interesting design theme lies in furnishingusing free "complementary object" easy to position in every environment. A less final way of furnishing the children's area and one that can be re-interpreted. Un autre thԨme intressant de projet consiste meubler en utilisant des 頩lments libres, des "complments-objet " s'int驩grant facilement toutesles ambiances. Une...

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