Estratti del catalogo

vasi in FERRO The FR line of vases looks like a collection of contemporary sculptures. All these La collezione FR comprende vasi scultura contemporanei, realizzati in ferro con steel vases with the Corten- cladding look are hand-made and have been finitura Corten naturalizzato. Ogni articolo della collezione realizzato a mano e inspired by simple cardboard packaging boxes. The far- fetched combination of rivisita la forma degli imballaggi in cartone. Questa decontestualizzazione rende a theoretically very ordinary and basically timeless model, embellished with the i vasi della collezione...
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VASO SLENDER Vaso semplice raffinato, Vaso in ferro con finitura Corten naturalizzato. ingombrante, facile da posizionare Steel vase (Corten) anche come divisorio o centro stanza. Misura: 30x30cm, altezza 80 cm. Misura: 30x30cm, altezza 120 cm. This vase appears at first to be quite simple, but it then turns out to be a very exclusive item. It does not take up too much space and it is easy to place almost everywhere. It can either be used as a partitioning element or just simply set in the middle of a room. Size:30x30 cms, height: 80 cms Vaso in ferro con finitura Corten naturalizzato....
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vasi in PASTA DI CEMENTO The CM line of pottery we have just launched meets the modern requirements La nostra linea di vasi CM soddisfa il desiderio di forme pulite e minimali con and latest trends dictated by this branch of innovative furnishing assets. Our vases soluzioni moderne di grande impatto. I vasi in pasta di cemento sono disponibili are high- impact, sleek and boast minimal- style shapes. The cement-paste vases in altezze dai 35 ai 43 cm e diametri dai 36 ai 45 cm. Le creazioni sono disponibili are available in different sizes which go from 35 to 43 cms in height and with in due...
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CM45 Vaso in pasta di cemento. Diametro 45 cm, altezza 43 cm. Colori: ardesia, grigio chiaro. Cement-paste vase Diam: 45cms;H:43cms Col: Ardesia, Light Grey CM44 Vaso in pasta di cemento. Diametro 44 cm, altezza 42 cm. Colori: ardesia, grigio chiaro. Cement-paste vase Diam: 44cms; H: 42cms Col: Ardesia, Light Grey Quercia Stabilizzata Rossa
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CM45 Vaso in pasta di cemento. Diametro 45 cm, altezza 43 cm. Colori: ardesia, grigio chiaro. Cement-paste vase Diam: 45cms;H:43cms Col: Ardesia, Light Grey CM44 Vaso in pasta di cemento. Diametro 44 cm, altezza 42 cm. Colori: ardesia, grigio chiaro. Cement-paste vase Diam: 44cms; H: 42cms Col: Ardesia, Light Grey Ulivo stabilizzato
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These vases pay tribute to the renowed expertise of the Italian craftsmen who helped create them. Their charm is everlasting and each one is unique in its own kind.The exclusivity of this type of pottery lies in the fact that they are not all the same and it is exactly what turns them into icons in the world of interior and exterior design. These eye-catching furnishing assets feel and look good wherever they are placed. The traditional charm of these simple clay pots is the combination of their humble material filled with historical value. Our TR vases are unique indoor and outdoor...
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TR16 Pedana Vaso in terracotta 115x60 h 16 cm Platform base vase Clay vase 115x60 cms; h: 16 cms TR40.40 Cubo basso Vaso in terracotta. 40x40x40 cm Low cube-shaped Clay vase 40x40x40 cms Felce Corallo stabilizzata
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TR135 Conca alta Vaso in terracotta. Diam. 50 h 135 cm High round-shaped vase Clay vase Diam:50cms; h: 135 cms TR115 parallelepipedo alto + modulo a L 60x60 h 115. Vaso in terracotta. TR45 Cilindro Basso Vaso in terracotta. Diametro 50, altezza 45 cm Low cylinder- shaped Clay vase Diam:50cms; h: 45 TR40 Conca bassa Vaso in terracotta. Diam. 40 h 40 cm E’ possibile scegliere colori diversi per i due moduli. Low round-shaped Vase High multi- sided vase + L-shaped component 60x60cms; h: 115 cms Clay vase Each piece can be of a different colour Ulivo stabilizzato Bonsai di Lycopodium stabilizzato
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VASO STROPICCIO Sembra pelle, in realtà è fibra di cellulosa. Comodo, elegante e resistentissimo. Anelli vela in ottone nichelato e maniglie in Vaso stropiccio cotone greggio. The leather-look is only an illusion…it is actually made of cellulose fibre. This item is very smart and extremely resistant. The nickel-plated brass rings recall the typical nautical fashion style and the handles are made of raw cotton fabric. Quercia stabilizzata Ross
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progetto grafico MATTHEWDESIGN.IT
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Magazine LinfaDecor F/W 2021/22
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Magazine LinfaDecor S/S 2020
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Magazine LinfaDecor F/W 2019/20
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Magazine Primavera/Estate 2022
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Magazine Primavera/Estate 2021
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Catalogo Generale 2021
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LinfaDecor Vases Catalogue 2023
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