Comforto 89


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Comforto 89 - 2

Comforto 89 ... form follows science. Design starts with a vision, science with a question. Haworth's vision was a mid-priced task chair economically superior to anything on the market. The critical question - especially when it comes to chair design - was: "How do users define comfort?" and "Is there anything about seating that we do not know yet?"The Human Performance Institute of Western Michigan University (WMU) was entrusted with the research. The German ITO Design and the Haworth development and engineering team have realised the scientific findings and have created Comforto 89....

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Comforto 89 - 4

The model of your dreams. Comforto 89 contents itself with only a few model versions since we prefer to offer the user an equipment which is complete from an ergonomie point of view. You may certainly do without the armrests if this is called for by your activity, as well as without the seat depth adjustment if the user is not higher than average. You may basically choose between a mesh back and an upholstered version. Il modello dei vostri desideri. La gamma Comforto 89 include pochi modelli poiché preferiamo offrirvi un prodotto completo dal punto di vista ergonomico. Potete decidere di...

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Comforto 89 - 6

Design lives from contrasts. Comforto 89 is also optionally available with upholstered backrest. A good example of the success- ful synthesis is the perfectly processed leather and the pure techno- logy. Or you decide to choose your requested version from our extensive fabric collection. II Design nasce dai contrasti. Comforto 89 è anche disponibile con lo schienale rivestito in tessuto. Un ottimo esempio di combinazioni di finiture è l'alleanza perfetta tra la raffinatezza della pelle con la tecnologia pura. Un'ampia gamma di collezioni di finiture sono disponibili per personalizzare la...

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Comforto 89 - 9

Comforto 89 - Asymmetric lumbar support sets new ergonomie standards. The central findings of the scientific research conducted by the Human Performance Institute of Western Michigan University (WMU) were the conclusion that there is an asymmetry in the lumbar region of each human being due to work habits and the development processes of the human body and that an asymmetric support will have a beneficial effect on the user of the chair. As a result, our de- signers and engineers have developed the PAL™ Back System (lumbar & pelvic support). By a simple rotation forward, the lumbar region...

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Comforto 89 - 12

4D armrests can be adjusted in height, the arm caps from front- to-back, from side-to-side as well as the pivoting angle. I braccioli 4D possono essere regolati in altezza, in avanti e indietro, in larghezza e anche in angolo. Los reposa-brazos 4D se pueden ajustar en altura, profundidad, ancho y ángulo de giro. Os braços 4D podem ser ajustados em altura, os apoios do braço para a frente e para trás, e lateralmente assim como rodando e seleccionar o ángulo de abertura desejado. Ergonomie seat - optimally shaped seat surface, available with seat depth adjustment upon request. The Technogel®...

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Comforto 89 - 16

Best seats for all. Also as a four-leg chair, Comforto 89 offers the user full support. The backrest is available either upholstered or in wood. As a stacking chair version, Comforto 89 is also practical and ready for use everywhere. La migliore seduta per tutti. Comforto 89 in versione 4 gambe offre tutti i comfort possibili agli utilizzatori. Lo schienale è disponibile sia con rivestimento in tessuto che in legno. Impilabile, questa versione è pratica e adatta ad essere utilizzata ovunque.

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Comforto 89 - 17

La mejor silla para todos. Incluso como silla de 4 patas, Comforto 89 le ofrece al usuario toda la sujeción necesaria. El respaldo está disponible tanto tapizado como en madera. En su versión apilable, Comforto 89 es muy práctica y está preparada para utilizarse en cualquier sitio. Melhores cadeiras para todos. Também com a cadeira de quatro pés, a Comforto 89 oferece ao utilizador um apoio pleno e completo. O encosto está disponível estofado a tecido ou em madeira. Como versão de cadeira empilhável, a Comforto 89 torna-se prática e pronta para ser utilizada em qualquer espaço. 13

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Comforto 89 - 19

Sled base, visitor and conference chairs with upholstered seat and with wooden or upholstered backrest. The elastic sled base guarantees relief and a relaxing posture, even if a meeting takes longer from time to time. Le sedute visitatore e conferenza con basamento a slitta sono disponibili con sedile rivestito e schienale in legno o schienale rivestito. Il basamento a slitta elastico assicura una postura confortevole anche quando le riunioni diventano interminabili. Base patín, sillas de confidente y reunión con asiento tapizado y respaldo tapizado o de madera. La base de patín elástica...

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Comforto 89 - 20

Seat depth adjustment (optional) Regolazione profondità del sedile (opzione) Regulación de la profundidad del asiento (opcional) Regulaçâo da profundidade do assento (opcional) PAL™ Back System Sistema PAL™ Back Regulación lumbar asimétrica PAL" Sistema PAL™ Back

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Comforto 89 - 21

Mesh Cover / Rivestimento rete / Respaldo de malia / Ajuste do apoio de cabeça Seat height adjustment Regolazione altezza del sedile Regulación de altura del asiento Regulaçâo da altura do assento Back Stop Tension control and Back Stop adjustment Regolazione tensione e blocco schienale Control de tension y bloqueo de respaldo Controlo de tensáo e ajuste do encostó Forward tilt Inclinación hacia delante Inclinaçâo frontal Fabric/leather covering Seat and back pad are available in the corresponding collections of the price list valid at that time. Rivestimenti tessuti/pelle I cuscini del...

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Comforto 89 - 23

Cradle to Cradle™ GOLD Ctirlifitd Pruduti Vt¡¥Á Physical Therapy Irai Association- Comforto 89 is sustainable starting from production up to reuse. Haworth pursues an integrated strategy also with regard to environmental behaviour. We take on responsibility in the meaning of a „Product Steward- ship" for the complete life cycle of Comforto 89. Recycled material is used already when producing the chair. Comforto 89 has also been constructed for a quick disassembly and meets the most stringent criteria with regard to emissions. Our factories are certified according to DIN EN ISO 14001 and our...

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Tutti i cataloghi e le schede tecniche Haworth Europe

  1. Tutti

    108 Pagine

  2. Framery

    2 Pagine


    3 Pagine

  4. Be_Hold

    6 Pagine

  5. Openest

    5 Pagine

  6. BuzziSpace

    57 Pagine

  7. Compose®

    7 Pagine

  8. DALIA

    2 Pagine

  9. Alodia

    2 Pagine

  10. Dialog

    6 Pagine

  11. s_con Task

    8 Pagine

  12. Comforto 39

    16 Pagine

  13. Comforto 59

    4 Pagine

  14. Very task

    4 Pagine

  15. T_up

    24 Pagine

  16. YourPlace

    6 Pagine

  17. Zody

    4 Pagine

  18. Fern

    4 Pagine

  19. Hello Lounge

    6 Pagine

  20. Planes

    34 Pagine

  21. Hugo

    13 Pagine

  22. Vados

    32 Pagine

  23. Comforto 55

    16 Pagine

  24. Comforto 88

    16 Pagine

  25. Comforto 29

    16 Pagine

  26. m-pro

    12 Pagine

  27. anyway

    19 Pagine

  28. Eddy - Maria

    2 Pagine

  29. lim

    4 Pagine

  30. brazo

    4 Pagine

  31. SE04

    3 Pagine

  32. Plia

    4 Pagine

  33. Comforto 1

    4 Pagine

  34. 3D

    28 Pagine

  35. TL Tutti

    28 Pagine

  36. Freeline system

    16 Pagine

  37. Epure catalogue

    15 Pagine

  38. Audience

    12 Pagine

  39. Huit

    8 Pagine

Cataloghi archiviati

  1. Comforto 59

    28 Pagine