Gruppo: Gessi SpA
Estratti del catalogo

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02 Intro The new chapter of a story told in the language of fashion BASIN MIXER Free spaces to relax tall BASIN MIXER Dark colours synonymous with absolute elegance freestanding BASIN MIXER Precious jewels for intimate rooms wall mounted BASIN MIXER Play of contrasts between geometrical figures
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WOVEN METAL, The INVERSO collection marks a new phase in the “woven metal” evolution, GESSI’s stylistic signature. Since its establishment in 1992, the company has brought innovation to the industry. With the Rettangolo collection, it first introduced a design with square, linear shapes, paving the way along a path that many have since followed. In 2017, for the first time ever, it started working metal as if it were fabric, with typical “Made in Italy” references, from textiles to leather goods, from mechanics to jewellery. After the great success of the collections decorated with Woven...
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GEOMETRICAL SHAPES UNITED IN AN INDISSOLUBLE UNION GESSI is renowned for bringing a strong and constant renewal to the most intimate place of living, with ideas that have become milestones in the sector and true icons in the world of design. INVERSO expands the range of creations characterised by decorated metal surfaces to become a synthesis of the company’s original path based on peculiar and distinctive values. Like the Gessi 316 collection, where the metal is literally “dressed up” with precious patterns and finishes, INVERSO also encloses the elements that define the brand, from the...
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031 chrome 149 finox brushed nickel
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Diamantato and light reflections Ispirata dalle maglie metalliche sperimentate da grandi stilisti come Paco Rabanne prima e Versace poi, la texture diamantata ricorda la fluidità dell’acqua, le onde luminose colpite dai raggi del sole e i loro movimenti sinuosi. La sua superficie brilla come quella di un gioiello ornato di diamanti le cui sfaccettature esaltano la purezza di una natura dalla bellezza inscalfibile. Il diamante diventa sinonimo di forza e, al tempo stesso, preziosità. La sua allure dall’eleganza contemporanea avvolge di seducenti riflessi la stanza da bagno. Il DIAMANTATO è...
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 7
chrome finox brushed nickel BASIN mixer FREE SPACES TO RELAX Cool colours, included in the colour range between indigo and green, convey a feeling of calm/peacefulness, sometimes melancholy, and encourage kindness, rest and tranquillity. In addition to enhancing concentration and creativity, they are colours with a calming effect and are therefore perfect in the bathroom, as they help to relax. In polished or brushed variants, the finishes offered in the DIAMANTATO decor, in combination with metal in cooler shades, suggest not only relaxation but also a sense of space. I colori freddi,...
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A partire dal miscelatore basso da lavabo fino al completamento della gamma di accessori per la doccia, ogni elemento sembra raggiungere la perfezione nell’unione di un decoro raffinato con finiture dall’intramontabile fascino. In tutte le versioni di finitura e texture, le forme minimali e pure di INVERSO sono ideali per arredare interni metropolitani che esprimono avanguardia. From the low washbasin mixer tap to the complete range of shower accessories, each element seems to achieve perfection by combining a refined decoration with finishes of timeless attraction. In all finish and...
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57929_57980 Ø500 multifunction / Ø500 multifunzione 63027_63028 Thermostatic shelf mixer for five simultaneous functions, with push-button on/off controls / Miscelatore termostatico a mensola a cinque funzioni simultanee, con pulsanti on-off 32971 Lateral body jet / Soffione laterale
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73621 Wall-mounted robe hook / Appendino a parete 20903 60 cm centre distance towel rail / Porta salvietta a parete 60 cm 46189_73628 Freestanding bath mixer / Miscelatore vasca da terra
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299 matte black 707 black metal brushed
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RIGATO evokes the rigour of a tailored suit, the refined exquisiteness of a high fashion garment. It conveys confidence and a reserved attitude to exchange with other decorations and materials. For this reason, it is suitable for formal environments but also for those characterised by relaxed intimacy. Like an item of clothing that shows the personality of the person wearing it, more serious or more joyful depending on the circumstances, it characterises spaces with discretion. The assonance with the world of fashion reflects the philosophy of GESSI’s Haute Culture, an expression of maximum...
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 14
matte black black metal brushed TALL BASIN mixer The choice of cool or warm shades emphasises the power that colours have, combined with materials and finishes, in creating a setting that reflects the desire to achieve a certain result. Cool and dark colours tell a story veiled in mystery but evoke a sense of refinement and elegance. Black metal, matte or brushed, combined with the rigorous lines of the RIGATO decoration unmistakably gives the bathroom a certain solemnity. La scelta di tonalità fredde o calde sottolinea il potere che hanno i colori, in abbinamento ai materiali e alle...
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LIKE A CONTEMPORARY WORK OF ART COME UN’OPERA D’ARTE CONTEMPORANEA Se il nero veste il miscelatore alto e il lavabo coordinato in metallo, quasi fossero capi dal taglio sartoriale, l’effetto che si ottiene è un minimalismo sobrio ed estremamente elegante. Una scelta che si addice ad ambienti chic e sofisticati, privi di orpelli, senza rinunciare a celebrarne la forte personalità. If black dresses the tall mixer tap and the matching metal washbasin, almost as if they were tailor-made garments, the result is a sober and extremely elegant minimalism. A choice that suits classy and...
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15185 Wall-fixing adjustable headshower / Soffione a parete orientabile Sliding rail / Asta saliscendi Wall-mounted thermostatic mixer with three separate exits / Miscelatore termostatico a parete 3 uscite indipendenti
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 18Tutti i cataloghi e le schede tecniche GESSI SPA
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Bathroom Digest
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