

Estratti del catalogo

ROMA - 1

ROMA Eterna bellezza

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ROMA - 3

Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited

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ROMA - 4

Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited WALL & FLOOR Roma è un progetto ceramico completo di pavimenti e rivestimenti per circondare di bellezza i vostri spazi. Roma is a complete ceramic programme of floor and wall tiles to encase your rooms with a sensation of beauty. Roma représente un projet céramique complet composé de sols et de murs qui saura valoriser vos espaces de vie. / Roma ein vollständiges Keramikprojekt für Fußböden und Verkleidungen der Ihren Raum mit Schönheit...

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ROMA - 5

Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited Marmo E PIETRA MARBLE & STONE Roma esprime con fascino contemporaneo la bellezza del marmo e della pietra. Sei colori interpretano con grandi lastre una nuova estetica progettuale, senza limiti, senza tempo. Roma lends contemporary appeal to the beauty of marble and stone. Six colours and large slabs for a new aesthetic project that is timeless and knows no limits. MARBRE ET PIERRE. Roma exprime la beauté du marbre et de la pierre avec...

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ROMA - 6

Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited PAVIMENTI MATT E LUX MATT & LUX FLOOR Due superfici, due sensazioni: Matt per un effetto sofisticato e contemporaneo, Lux per un risultato morbido, leggermente cerato. Two finishes, two sensations: Matt for a sophisticated and contemporary effect, Lux for a soft and lightly waxed effect. SOLS MATT ET LUX. Deux surfaces, deux sensations : Matt pour un effet sophistiqué et contemporain, Lux pour un aspect doux, légèrement ciré. / FUSSBÖDEN...

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ROMA - 7

Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited PASTA BIANCA WHITE BODY GRES PORCELLANATO PORCELA IN STONEWARE puro e perfetto / pure and perfect pur et parfait Perfekt und rein puro y perfecto

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ROMA - 8

Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited 75x150 e 50x110, pavimento e rivestimento, il puro fascino dello Statuario e del grande formato. 75x150 and 50x110, wall and floor coverings, the pure attraction of Statuario and large size. 75x150 et 50x110, sols et murs, le charme de Statuario et du grand format à l’état pur. / 75x150 und 50x110, Fußboden und Wandverkleidung, der reine Charme des Statuario und des großen Formats. / 75x150 y 50x110, pavimento y revestimiento, la...

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ROMA - 9

Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited Wall Roma Statuario Roma Filo Statuario Floor Roma Statuario Lux Tonosutono 01 Bianco Project on page 110 14

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ROMA - 10

Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited LA SUPERFICIE DECORA SURFACES FOR DECORATION Tridimensionale nella struttura Filo, o elegante fondo, è sempre la materia la vera decorazione. Whether it is the three dimensional texture of Filo or the elegant tile, the real decoration is always the material. C’EST LA MATIERE QUI DECORE. Tridimensionnel dans sa structure Filo, ou élégante base unie, c’est la matière qui constitue la véritable décoration. / DIE OBERFLÄCHE DEKORIERT. Das...

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ROMA - 11

Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited Mosaico Natura, listello cromato Silver e il formato del rivestimento 25x75 rendono tutto contemporaneo. Natura Mosaic, Silver chrome listel and the 25x75 wall covering shape make everything look contemporary. Mosaïque Natura, listel chromé Silver et format 25x75 au mur, une association qui apporte à l’espace une réelle touche de modernité. / Mosaik Natura, die verchromte Leiste Silver und die Wandverkleidung im Format 25x75 lassen alles...

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ROMA - 12

Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited Il fascino intramontabile dell’esagono interpretato anche nella raffinata versione Decò. The timeless appeal of the hexagon is also interpreted in the sophisticated Decò version. Le charme indémodable de la forme hexagonale décliné dans l’élégante version Decò. / Der unvergängliche Charme des Sechseckformats, interpretiert in der raffinierten Version Decò. / La atracción imperecedera del hexágono interpretada también en la refinada...

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ROMA - 13

Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited UNA MATERIA SENZA TEMPO A TIMELESS MATERIAL Una gamma completa di pezzi speciali per coordinare perfettamente ogni ambiente della casa. Pavimento, scalino e battiscopa. A full range of trim tiles to coordinate all the spaces in the home to perfection. Flooring, step and skirting tiles. UNE MATIÈRE INTEMPORELLE. Un programme complet de pièces spéciales pour revetir à la perfection chaque espace de la maison. Sol, marche et plinthe. / EINE...

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ROMA - 14

Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited

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Tutti i cataloghi e le schede tecniche FAP ceramiche


    35 Pagine

  2. Lumina 25X75

    25 Pagine

  3. Lumina 30,5X56

    59 Pagine

  4. MAKU

    51 Pagine

  5. Boston

    29 Pagine

  6. Manhattan

    35 Pagine

  7. Firenze

    27 Pagine

  8. Evoque

    47 Pagine

  9. KAMU

    19 Pagine

  10. SHEER

    40 Pagine

  11. SHEER 25 X 75

    23 Pagine


    26 Pagine

  13. Summer

    48 Pagine

  14. BLOK

    23 Pagine


    25 Pagine

  16. BLOOM

    37 Pagine


    33 Pagine

  18. Color Line

    39 Pagine

  19. ROOY

    23 Pagine

  20. Nux

    33 Pagine


    25 Pagine


    33 Pagine


    33 Pagine


    47 Pagine

  25. PAT

    35 Pagine


    33 Pagine


    33 Pagine


    91 Pagine

  29. CRETA

    17 Pagine

  30. DESERT

    33 Pagine


    35 Pagine


    51 Pagine


    37 Pagine


    47 Pagine

  35. Lumina 50X110

    33 Pagine


    51 Pagine