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Firenze - 1

FIRENZE tile lovers

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Firenze - 2

Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited FIRENZE tile lovers

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Firenze - 3

Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited

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Firenze - 4

Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited FIRENZE DORATO, CUOIO, TABACCO, BIANCO, NERO GRIGIO + DECÒ GREY & BEIGE Esagono: un formato che appartiene alla storia della ceramica riproposto in tutta la sua forza evocativa, per rendere possibile la realizzazione del vostro sogno di stile. L’hexagone, format qui fait partie de l’histoire de la céramique, retrouve ici tout son pouvoir suggestif, pour vous permettre la réalisation de votre rêve de style. / Das Sechseck: ein Format, das...

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Firenze - 5

Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited Floor Firenze Dorato Tonosutono 02 Gesso

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Firenze - 6

Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited Il sapore della tradizione si fonde con l’inalterabile resistenza del gres porcellanato. The taste of tradition blends with the infinite strength of porcelain stoneware. Le charme de la tradition s’unit à l’inaltérable nature du grès cérame. / Ein Flair von Tradition bindet sich mit der Beständigkeit von Feinsteinzeug. / El sabor de la tradición se funde con la inalterable resistencia del gres porcelánico. / Дух традиций соединяется с...

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Firenze - 7

Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited Floor Firenze Nero Tonosutono 11 Antracite

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Firenze - 8

Chaque pièce présente un graphisme particulier et un mouvement de rights Fap ceramiche, all couleur on-reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited doyant. L’effet que procure ce sol est celui d’une matière naturelle et harmonieuse. / Jedes Element hat eine individuelle grafische Gestaltung und einen unterschiedlichen Verlauf von Nuancen. Der Boden ist durch eine edle materische Bewegung gekennzeichnet. / Cada elemento posee una gráfica diferente y distintos matices de color. El efecto del pavimento es un...

Aprire il catalogo a pagina 8
Firenze - 9

Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited DECÒ GREY Il fascino delle cementine in una cucina moderna, una nuova estetica contemporanea fatta di funzionalità e bellezza. The charm of cementine in a modern kitchen, a new contemporary aesthetic blending functionality and beauty. L’expression décorative des cementine dans une cuisine moderne, un résultat esthétique de grande classe, original, contemporain et très fonctionnel. / Der Charme von Zementfliesen in einer modernen Küche,...

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Firenze - 10

Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited

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Firenze - 11

Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited Firenze, un prodotto dallo spirito accogliente grazie alla sua calda e raffinata stonalizzazione. Firenze, a product with a welcoming spirit, creating warm, sophisticated shading. Firenze, un produit de caractère qui rend l’atmosphère accueillante par son mouvement de nuances douces et chaleureuses. / Firenze ist dank der warmen und eleganten Schattierungen besonders freundlich und einladend. / Firenze, un producto de espíritu acogedor...

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Firenze - 12

DECÒ BEIGE Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited Atmosfere colte che arrivano da lontano per raccontare emozioni contemporanee sempre vive, come queste calde gradazioni di beige. Cultured atmospheres that come from afar, telling of thrilling contemporary emotions, like these warm shades of beige. Une atmosphère recherchée dans un lointain passé pour revivre au gout du jour les émotions d’autrefois. / Eine kultivierte Atmosphäre, die von weit her zu kommen scheint, vermittelt...

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Firenze - 13

Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited Firenze, una superficie intensa lavorata dal tempo. Firenze, an intense surface, worn by time. Firenze, une surface de caractère, façonnée par le temps. / Firenze, eine intensive Oberfläche, an der die Zeit ihre Spuren hinterlassen hat. / Firenze, una superficie intensa trabajada por el tiempo. / Firenze, насыщенная поверхность, обработанная временем. 22

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Firenze - 14

Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited Floor Firenze Cuoio Tonosutono 10 Grigio

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Firenze - 15

Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited Cuoio, una tonalità classica che in Firenze acquista una incredibile e profonda palette di emozionanti sfumature. Cuoio, a classic shade that in Firenze takes on an incredibly deep palette of fascinating shades. Cuoio, la couleur la plus traditionnelle restitue dans Firenze tout son héritage du passé par l’harmonie et l’équilibre de sa palette de nuances. / Cuoio, ein klassischer Farbton, der bei Firenze eine unglaublich intensive Spanne...

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Tutti i cataloghi e le schede tecniche FAP ceramiche


    35 Pagine

  2. Lumina 25X75

    25 Pagine

  3. Lumina 30,5X56

    59 Pagine

  4. MAKU

    51 Pagine

  5. ROMA

    81 Pagine

  6. Boston

    29 Pagine

  7. Manhattan

    35 Pagine

  8. Evoque

    47 Pagine

  9. KAMU

    19 Pagine

  10. SHEER

    40 Pagine

  11. SHEER 25 X 75

    23 Pagine


    26 Pagine

  13. Summer

    48 Pagine

  14. BLOK

    23 Pagine


    25 Pagine

  16. BLOOM

    37 Pagine


    33 Pagine

  18. Color Line

    39 Pagine

  19. ROOY

    23 Pagine

  20. Nux

    33 Pagine


    25 Pagine


    33 Pagine


    33 Pagine


    47 Pagine

  25. PAT

    35 Pagine


    33 Pagine


    33 Pagine


    91 Pagine

  29. CRETA

    17 Pagine

  30. DESERT

    33 Pagine


    35 Pagine


    51 Pagine


    37 Pagine


    47 Pagine

  35. Lumina 50X110

    33 Pagine


    51 Pagine